Member Companies
NASCA membership is open to any company that operates or installs undersea telecommunication system cables that land in North America. NASCA provides a united industry voice to address issues concerning undersea cables that are raised in local, state, and federal governments, and the public forum as a whole. If your company meets the criteria above, and is interested in joining NASCA, please contact us at:
NASCA Member companies are:
- Alaska Communications System
- Alaska United Fiber System Partnership
- Alcatel Submarine Networks
- AquaComms
- AT&T Corp.
- C&W Networks
- Edge Network Services
- EXA Infrastructure
- Global Cloud Xchange
- Global Marine Systems Ltd.
- GlobeNet
- IT International Telecom
- Lumen Technologies UK, Ltd
- Mertech Marine
- NEC Corporation of America
- OPT French Polynesia
- PC Landing Corporation
- Rogers Communications
- Seaborn Networks
- Southern Caribbean Fiber
- Southern Cross Cable Network
- SubCom
- TATA Communications (Americas)
- Telstra